1. Yellow Rose Classic is open for Texas exhibitors only. No out-of-state birds will be permitted.
  2. All exhibitors must include a copy of their current Pullorum Typhoid proof of testing with their entry.
  3. All entries must be postmarked by February 12, 2025. Entry forms must be marked as OPEN, BACKYARD, or JUNIOR.
    • Entry fees for the open show and backyard are $8.00 per bird. (Double show)
    • Double coops are available for open show only but are very limited. Double coops will be $16.00 and you must contact Karen by email for confirmation at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) prior to sending your entry if you need double coops.
    • Junior entries are $4.00 (single show)
    • Showmanship is $5.00 per junior for each of the 4 age groups, prizes are plaques and buckles for showmanship.
      Notice: Showmanship birds can be shown in Open APA/ABA, Junior, or Backyard Shows even in the ugliest chicken contest class. It is your responsibility to make sure that your bird is not about to be judged prior to removing it for the Showmanship competition. "out for showmanship" signs will be available at the registration table to mark your cages so that no one misses out on being judged in their bird class.
    • Ugly Chicken contest is $4.00 per entry and is a single-card show.
    • Decorated Egg contest $3.00 per entry and must be in cash beginning at 9:30 am until 10:00 am.
      • Decorated egg show Classes will be Open and Junior with a Class Champion and 1st through 3rd placings in each class recieving small rosettes and single ribbons. 
  4. Make Checks or money orders payable to TXIFOA or Karen Richey. Mail entries to: Karen Richey PO Box 755 Canton, Tx. 75103
  5. All entry fees once received are nonrefundable unless the show is cancelled.
  6. Showroom will open to receive birds on Friday, February 21, from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.
    • On Saturday(show day), February 22, the showroom will reopen at 7:00 am.
    • All birds must be in place by 8:30 am, all exhibitors must be clear of the floor by 9am for judging to begin.
  7. All birds will be examined as they are cooped in and during the show. NO sick or diseased birds will be permitted to show. Sick birds will be removed from the show room.
  8. Only judges and show officials are allowed to handle and move birds other than the owner. Handling anyone else's bird without permission from the owner will result in your immediate removal from the show grounds and a 1 year ban from the Yellow Rose Classic events.
  9. "Emotional Support Animals" (ESA) are not allowed into the show venue.  Leave your pets at home.
    • Generally, the ADA requires owners of public accommodations to allow a service animal. The same requirement doesn’t exist for emotional support animals under federal or Texas state law. Owners of businesses and other public spaces may choose whether to allow emotional support animals or not.
    • If you attempt to bring your ESA into the event labeled as a "service" animal, you are in violation of Texas House Bill 4164. Those who falsely represent pets as service animals face a fine of $1,000 and 30 hours of community service.  Texas Human Resources Code, Section 121.002 defines a service animal as a "canine that is specifically trained or equipped to help a person with a disability."
    • Representatives of the venue may (legally) ask if the animal is required because of your disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform.
  10. No alcohol or drugs on the event grounds.
  11. All exhibitors must follow state regulations to attend this show. YRC does not provide testing services on the venue grounds.
    • If an "Authorized Testing Agent" volunteers to provide testing at the show, the event page will be updated to reflect this.
  12. All ABA & APA recognized breeds and varieties accepted. All others will be included in backyard class or the ugliest chicken contest. 
  13. Neither TXIFOA/Yellow Rose Classic, nor its club officers or staff of any kind will be responsible for any loss, sickness, or injury to any bird brought to the show; however, all precautions will be taken to protect the exhibits.
  14. Exhibitors will be responsible for feeding and watering theirown birds. Water is accessible in the show room. 
  15. All birds will be judged by the APA and ABA standards.
  16. APA and ABA Rules will govern the judging of the show unless otherwise stated. No person will be allowed in the aisle during judging or will be allowed to talk to the judge while he is judging except for Show Personnel.
  17. Scales will not be provided by the show for the weighing of birds.
  18. Protests must be filed in writing along with $250.00 cash, which will be returned if upheld.
    • You must be a member of the ABA or APA to file a protest.
    • Show staff with the advice of judges will make final decisions on all protests.
  19. All judges’ decisions are final. 
  20. DO NOT REMOVE ANY BIRDS UNTIL RELEASE HAS BEEN ANOUNCED. This will follow the award presentation upon completion of judging. 
  21. There will be no animal auction or bird sale areas at the event.


COCK- Male 12 months or older
HEN- Female 12 months or older
COCKEREL- Male under 12 months or age
PULLET- Female under 12 months of age